How to back up your device's vocabulary set

Front view of Wego 13A, Talk Pad 10, Talk Pad 8, and Wego 5A.

iOS Devices (Wego, Talk Pad)


Grid for iPad (iTunes):

  1. Connect your device to a computer via USB charging cable.
  2. Open iTunes on your computer. (Tip: it is downloadable on both a Mac and a PC.)
  3. Your computer and device may request access to each other. Select Trust on your TalkPad/Wego and Continue on your computer, if prompted. 
  4. On your device, select the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen > Settings > make sure the tab with the name of the user is highlighted on the left-hand side > select Backup, Retore & Remove User > Backup User > when prompted, select Save to Files** > On My iPad > Grid (it should have a little folder with the Grid App “G” symbol on it) > Save.
  5. In iTunes, select the device icon located on the top toolbar.
  6. Select File Sharing > Grid.
  7. Select the Grid user you just backed up from the right-hand column and "drag and drop" that Grid user to the desktop.

**If this is not yet an option on your device, select Edit Actions > toggle Save to Files on > select Done.


Grid for iPad (iCloud):

  1. On your device, select the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen > Settings > make sure the tab with the name of the user is highlighted on the left-hand side > select Backup, Retore & Remove User > Backup User > when prompted, select Save to Files** > iCloud Drive > Save.
  2. Sign in to your iCloud account on a computer to check the file has indeed been saved to the cloud. It may take a few minutes to show up.
  3. If you would like to save a copy of the file to the computer, select the backed up file/user in the cloud and select Download File. Once it is downloaded, you should be able to locate the file in your Downloads folder. Tip: Move the backed up file/user out of the Downloads folder so it can be more easily located when/if needed.
  4. Rename the backed up file/user with today’s date. Tip: The safest way to rename the file with today’s date is to zip the file and rename that zipped folder, or create a new folder with the name of the set and today’s date and put the backed up vocabulary set in that folder.



  1. Connect your device to a computer via USB charging cable.
  2. Open iTunes on your computer. (Tip: it is downloadable on both a Mac and a PC.)
  3. Your computer and device may request access to each other. Select Trust on your TalkPad/Wego and Continue on your computer, if prompted.
  4. On your device, from the homepage of your vocabulary set, select: Vocab > Choose New Vocab > Menu > Import/Export Vocab > Export to iTunes > select the desired vocab set to export > rename file with today’s date > Save.
  5. In iTunes, select the device icon located on the top toolbar.
  6. Select File Sharing > TouchChatHWP or LAMP Words for Life.
  7. Select the vocabulary set you just backed up from the right-hand column and "drag and drop" that vocabulary set to the desktop.



  1. Connect your device to a computer via USB charging cable.
  2. Open iTunes on your computer. (Tip: it is downloadable on both a Mac and a PC.)
  3. Your computer and device may request access to each other. Select Trust on your wego A and Continue on your computer, if prompted.
  4. From the home page of the vocabulary set, select Vocab > Choose New Vocab > Menu > Import/Export Vocab  > DropBox > Export to Dropbox > select the desired vocab set to export > rename file with today’s date > Upload.
  5. If you do not already have a DropBox account, please do the following:
  1. Go to and set up an account following the instructions on the website.
  2. Once you have created and verified your new DropBox account, on your device, complete step 4 above, except instead of selecting the desired vocab set to export, the device will prompt you to connect TouchChat with DropBox.
  3. Select Allow when prompted by TouchChat.
  4. Continue step 4 above by selecting the desired vocab set to export and so on.



  1. Connect your device to a computer via USB charging cable.
  2. Open iTunes on your computer. (Tip: it is downloadable on both a Mac and a PC.)
  3. Your computer and device may request access to each other. Select Trust on your wego A and Continue on your computer if prompted.
  4. On your device, while in the user that you want to backup, select Settings > Backup (Note: You may need to scroll.) > Back Up <name of file> Now.
  5. Once the file is done backing up, select Export Backup.
  6. Find the latest copy that you just “backed up” and select Export > Export to iTunes.
  7. In iTunes, select the device icon located on the top toolbar.
  8. Select File Sharing > Proloquo2Go.
  9. Select the vocabulary set you just backed up from the right-hand column and "drag and drop" that vocabulary set to the desktop.

Tip: the safest way to rename the file with today’s date is to zip the file and rename that zipped folder, or create a new folder with today’s date for the set and put the backed up vocabulary set in that folder.


  1. On your device, while in the user that you want to backup, select Settings > Settings > Backup (Note: You may need to scroll.) > Back Up <name of file> Now.
  2. Once the file is done backing up, select Export Backup.
  3. Find the latest copy that you just “backed up” to the device and select Export > Export to DropBox.
  4. If you do not already have a DropBox account please do the following (if you do have an account, but it is not yet connected to Proloquo2Go skip to step 4b):
  1. Go to and set up an account following the instructions on the website.
  2. Once you have created and verified your new DropBox account, on your device, select Settings  > Services > toggle DropBox on.
  3. Select Allow when prompted by Proloquo2Go.
  4. Complete steps 1-3 above.
Grid Pad 13, Zuvo 12, and Grid Pad Go.

Windows Devices (Zuvo, Grid Pad)

Instructions to save vocab on device

  1. Insert a USB drive into the USB hub on the device. Note: you can also use a USB cable to connect the device to a laptop/computer directly.
  2. Menu > Grid Explorer > Menu > Share Grid Sets > Grid set file > select file > Save.
  3. Select your drive from the left column of the Save As pop-up. It will be the D: drive.
  4. Select to save your file in your flash drive on the left side.
  5. Rename the file > Save. Tip: Every time you back up your file, add the date to the file name so you track of the last time you backed it up. (e.g. John Doe 12.25.17)
  6. Safely remove flash drive: return to the desktop screen > select the ^ on the lower right toolbar > select the insert USB safe removal icon.

Tip: You can keep the file saved on the flash drive just like this, or you can insert the flash drive into your computer and save a copy of it wherever you’d like on your personal computer.

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