TTMT Exclusive Vocabulary Sets


Adult vocabulary icon.

Adult vocabulary (text-based)

Pediatric vocabulary icon.

Pediatric vocabulary

Symbol library icon.

Symbol library options

Keyboard layout icon.

Keyboard layout

Vocabulary cell layout icon.

Vocabulary cell layout options

Enviornmental control icon.

Environmental Control-ready

Alarm icon.


Web icon.

Email, web, and social-ready

OnWord vocabulary set.
OnWord logo.


Available on: Grid Pad, Talk Pad, Zuvo 12 and Wego 13A speech-generating devices

OnWord is intended for quick, phrase-based, text communication with Qwerty, Alpha, and Split keyboard options. It also offers a great interface for many things such as email, Skype, internet surfing, Facebook and more. It's a great fit for communicators who use EYE GAZE.


Adult vocabulary icon.
Alarm icon.
Enviornmental control icon.
Keyboard layout icon.

Alpha + QWERTY

  • Includes category-based communication with preprogrammed messages already stored for quick communication.
  • Easy access to keyboard on all pages with word prediction to quickly create custom messages.
  • The user can customize pre-programmed messages independently by using the “Save Phrase” function.
  • Internet, email, Facebook, Netflix and more are easily accessible within the vocabulary file; ECU (Environmental Controls for phone, TV, lights, bed and more are also available on -PLUS model, unlocked devices).**
Quickstep vocabulary set.
QuickStep logo.


Available on: Grid Pad, Talk Pad, Zuvo 12 and Wego 13A speech-generating devices

Share feelings, opinions, and humor with hundreds of phrases, core, and fringe vocabulary. Made for growth!


Adult vocabulary icon.
Pediatric vocabulary icon.
Vocabulary cell layout icon.

4, 8, 20, 30, 48, MAX (60)

Symbol library icon.


  • To facilitate motor planning, buttons remain in a similar location as vocabulary size increases.
  • Designed with sentence building in mind with access to common quick phrasaes, as well as category-based communication.
  • Allows for progression as language skills grow – user can
    start with a small number of buttons and easily transition to more!
  • Symbols are on every button.
  • Keyboard access on every vocabulary set in this suite.
  • A static row of buttons appears on the top of every page to allow easy access to Quick Phrases and common function buttons such as clear, speak and home.
  • Modified Fitzgerald color coding throughout the vocabulary set.

QuickStep i 

Adult vocabulary icon.
Pediatric vocabulary icon.
Vocabulary cell layout icon.

4, 8

Symbol library icon.


QuickStep i screenshot
  • Introductory level, phrase-based vocabulary sets.
  • Simple 1-step navigation.
  • May be used as a basic introduction to the access method of choice.

QuickStep Spanish

Adult vocabulary icon.
Pediatric vocabulary icon.
Vocabulary cell layout icon.

MAX (60)

Symbol library icon.


  • Bilingual motor planning accuracy and consistency
  • True translation (not just a literal translation)
  • To facilitate motor planning, buttons remain in a similar location as vocabulary size increases.
  • Designed with sentence building in mind with access to common quick phrasaes, as well as category-based communication.
  • Allows for progression as language skills grow – user can
    start with a small number of buttons and easily transition to more!
  • Symbols are on every button.
  • Keyboard access on every vocabulary set in this suite.
  • A static row of buttons appears on the top of every page to allow easy access to Quick Phrases and common function buttons such as clear, speak and home.
  • Modified Fitzgerald color coding throughout the vocabulary set.
Universal Core vocabulary set.
Universal Core logo.

Universal Core

Available on: Grid Pad, Talk Pad, Zuvo 12 and Wego 13A speech-generating devices

Universal Core is Research-based and field tested with emergent AAC communicators, SLPs, and families! Universal Core is designed to promote learning and access to language easily and confidently. Core words are combined with an endless array of activity-specific vocabulary close by. Inspired by the research of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, this vocabulary set is designed to support language growth and literacy. Functional, quick, and rewarding communication is realized through this vocabulary set’s intuitive and consistent organizational pattern.


Pediatric vocabulary icon.
Vocabulary cell layout icon.

25, 36, 56, MAX (60)

Symbol library icon.


  • Includes 36 of the most functional core words based on the research done at UNC-Chapel Hill plus an additional 45 core words accessible from any page.
  • Homepage allows for immediate access to core words with easily accessible fringe vocabulary folders across the top of every page.
  • Core words can be used individually or in combination to create meaningful phrases and sentences to allow the user to grow when developmentally ready.
  • All words are categorized by their parts of speech and arranged on the page in a way intended for easy sentence building.
  • Modified Fitzgerald color coding throughout the vocabulary set.
Diagram showing environmental control home functions.

Environmental controls

Equipped with environmental controls, the PLUS model makes it possible to access almost anything in your home right from your device. Use your eyes, switch scanning or other access methods to perform smart home functions such as controlling your TV, lights, fans, hospital beds, and more!

Stay connected with communication tools like email and social media. Music, ebooks and other entertainment are easily accessible from the device!