At TTMT, we often check in with our clients who have just received their speech devices to see how everyone is adapting to its use. When we asked Erin about about how her daughter Beatrix was adjusting to the new form of communication, Erin had this to say:
“Things are going very well with the device. She has been using the device to work with her tutor and group occupational therapy program. We have been modeling using the device, but it seems like she knows it better than we do. Her sitter (who is her para at school) said she's used the device to request drinks and snacks. Just a moment ago, she had brought her swimsuit to me (she loves playing in the sprinkler). Then, she independently grabbed her device (and the sunscreen LOL - see pic below) and programmed and played the words 'play outside' multiple times. After, she verbally said 'outside' and 'let's go!' She was very insistent. Unfortunately, it's pouring buckets right now!!”
It's wonderful to not only see new AAC users quickly progressing with the use of their speech device, but to have those devices serve as a model for the user to be able to communicate independently of their device. Thank you for sharing Bea's growth with us, Erin!